Sunday, July 19, 2009

Feeding Time

Fred's had a little more kick in his step. Over the last few week's he's been on a raw food diet - along with the other dogs. It was recommended by his vet and the owner of PawPrints, a holistic dog food store.

The base is oates - kind of like oatmeal, a little water, then usually any sort of veggies. He seems to prefer spinach and also likes carrots. Fruits include blueberries and strawberries ... and on occassion for a special treat - bananas. This bowl included ground turkey and also non-fat yogurt.

He loves this stuff! Looks gross - sounds even grosser - but you can barely hold him back while it's being prepared. And, surprisingly enough, not only is this type of diet healthier, while it takes a little extra time to prepare (especially with 4 dogs to feed!), it's cheaper than buying 40+ lb bags of dog food each week and the ingredients last much longer!

So if you have the time to do some meal prep for your dogs, want to give them something healthy and want to cut back on your budget - a raw diet is a great way to go!

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